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Category FOUR

Casey, Clay and Decker Family Photos .vc_sparrow_mod__total_wrap:before { background-color: #ffffff !important;}I loved getting to spend a quick evening with this adorable family. Decker was THE most joyful toddler I’ve ever photographed – he was cheesing so big the whole time and made it a breeze for all of us. We were out between 7 and […]

Harper Family

Casey, Clay and Decker Family Photos .vc_sparrow_mod__total_wrap:before { background-color: #ffffff !important;}I loved getting to spend a quick evening with this adorable family. Decker was THE most joyful toddler I’ve ever photographed – he was cheesing so big the whole time and made it a breeze for all of us. We were out between 7 and […]

Harper Family