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Ryan and Dan

Ryan and Dan


.vc_sparrow_mod__total_wrap:before { background-color: #ffffff !important;}What a sweet day photographing this sweet couple and their intimate wedding ceremony. I really enjoyed getting to know these two – Ryan is such a joyful person – you can feel the love she has for life, family, and those around her radiating off of her at all times. She is strong and soft at the same time, emanating a light that is hard to miss. Dan is one of my best friend’s brothers, so I feel like I knew him on a certain level already. But I got to see another side of him – the caring, loyal, fiercely loving side as he married his beautiful wife. These two bring each other and those around them endless amounts of joy – I am so excited for them as they enter this next chapter of life.

[envira-gallery id=”3044″]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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